Informatics and Information Technologies

Collecting, processing, transforming, broadcasting, storing and turning the data into knowledge for specific purposes are the main interest areas of this field. To be able to succeed in these processes, it is of great importance to have the knowledge about the information technologies and its connection to the communication area. Following the rapidly changing technologic developments are a central concern.

Systems of Informatics

This area consists of topics such as; software systems, system analysis and design, communication networks and electronic communication, data base systems.

Desktop Publishing

The desktop publishing caused a fundamental change in publishing. Nowadays, publishing is a desktop processes and can be managed individually with the help of the technology. In this area, the examination of the desktop publishing techniques and following the recent changes is of great importance.

Digital Publishing

The decision of the EU countries on the digital broadcasting, shows the significance of this field. Both the technical part of digital publishing and the social, political and legal processes and consequences of it will be studied.

Graphic Operations

There has been change of great magnitude in the technology of software and this change continues. This area of research studies graphical hardware, graphical software, graphical formats, stable and animated image processing software and virtual reality software.

Prof. Dr. Ferruh Mutlu BİNARK
Öğr. Gör. Dr. Evren SERTALP
Öğr. Gör. Erkin Gökçer ERDEM"
Arş. Gör. Dr. Emre CANPOLAT
Arş. Gör. Ahmet Çağrı ÇAKIN
Arş. Gör. Dr. Ozan ÇAVDAR