Prof. Dr. Mutlu Binark
Bilişim ve Enformasyon Teknolojieri Ana Bilim Dalı Başkanı
Radyo, Televizyon ve Sinema Bölümü
Bilişim ve Enformasyon Teknolojileri ABD
Hacettepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Ens. Üst Katı- Beytepe/06800 Ankara
Ders Programı


Social Media in Politics Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media kitabı yayınlandı...

09 Mayıs 2014

Bogdan PătruÅ£ ve Monica PătruÅ£‘un editörlüğünü yaptığı Social Media in Politics Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media kitabı çıktı…
Yayınevi: Springer, Mayıs 2014.
ISBN: 978-3-319-04665-5 (Print) 978-3-319-04666-2 (Online)

İçinde, bölüm yazarı olduğum makale için: "The Use of Facebook by Political Parties and Leaders in the 2011 Turkish General Elections"

Özet (Abstract) 
This paper, mainly accepting that web 2.0 has a contribution to the development of citizenship culture, examines the uses of Facebook by Turkish political parties and their leaders during the 2011 Turkish General Elections. By examining the relationship through the discursive practices of social media interface, this study reveals the possible converting effects of those practices of political parties by the usage of social media in the process of political communication. During the study, 9 Facebook accounts have been recorded for 3 months and analyzed by means of the quantitative and qualitative content analysis technique. Qualities of the accounts, such as customizations, information shared on the accounts, and the numbers of posts, have been examined for each account; topics, themes, styles, linguistic practices etc. have been examined for each post. Hence, this paper focuses on the opportunities offered by web 2.0 that have been used for election campaigning in Turkey, the mutual and interactive communication between the party and/or the candidate and the voters forming during the campaigning period, and the qualities of the online communications between the candidate and his/her competitors throughout the analysis of Facebook usage by both the party and the leaders.