Prof. Dr. Emre Toros
İletişim Bilimleri Bölümü
HÜ İletişim Fakültesi 06800 Beytepe / Ankara



1. Toros, E. “Electoral Integrity and Democracy in Turkey”, Edinburgh University Press forthcoming in 2022

SSCI Publications

1. Toros, E. & Birch S. 2021. “How Citizens Attribute Blame for Electoral Violence: Regional Differences and Party Identification in Turkey”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies: 1-22.

2. Toros, E. & Birch S. 2019. “Who are the targets of familial electoral coercion? Evidence from Turkey". Democratization.

3. Toros, E. & Birch S. 2019. “Framing electoral impropriety: the strategic use of allegations of wrong-doing in election campaigns”. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies,

4. Toros, E., Cilasun M.S., & Toros, A. 2017. “Social and Economic Indicators of Household Income in Turkey: Does ethnicity matter?”. Social Indicators Research.

5. Toros, E. “How to Run the Show? The Differential Effects of Negative Campaigning”. Turkish Studies, Vol. 18, no. 2, 2017:297–312

6. Toros, E., “Negative campaigning in Turkish elections”. Turkish Studies, Volume 16, Issue: 04, 2015: 487-509.

7. Toros, E., “Piecrust promises: An analysis on the Turkish political parties' electoral pledges”. Turkish Studies, Volume: 16, Issue: 02, 2015: 240 - 252.

8. Toros, Emre. "Social Indicators and Voting: The Turkish Case." Social Indicators Research 115, no. 3, 2014 1011-29.

9. Toros, E., The Kurdish problem, print media, and democratic consolidation in Turkey. Asia Europe Journal, 2012. 10(4): p. 317-333.

10. Toros, E., Forecasting Turkish local elections. International Journal of Forecasting, 2012. 28(4): p. 813-821.

11. Toros, E., Forecasting elections in Turkey. International Journal of Forecasting, 2011. 27(4): p. 1248-1258.

12. Toros, E., The Relationship Between Islam and Democracy in Turkey: Employing Political Culture as an Indicator. Social Indicators Research, 2010. 95(2): p. 253-265.

13. Toros, E., Understanding the Role of Civil Society as an Agent for Democratic Consolidation: The Turkish Case. Turkish Studies, 2007. 8(3): p. 395-415.

Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Alessandro Nai, Toros, E. (2020) The peculiar personality of strongmen: Big Five and Dark Triad traits of political leaders worldwide. Political Research Exchange 2(1): 1–24.

Book Chapters

1. Toros, E. & Seçil Toros. 2021. A Whole New Ball Game or Not? A Comparative Analysis on the Content of the Print Media News and Tweets Circling the November 2015 Turkish Elections. In Walter (eds.) Political Incivility in the Parliamentary, Electoral and Media Arena. Routledge: 2021

2. Toros, E. & Çağkan Sayın. Media and Democracy in Turkey: An Analysis on the News Media Framing of Gezi Protests. In Kubicek and Erisen (eds.) Democratic Consolidation in Turkey Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics: Routledge:2016

3. Toros, E. Understanding Negativity Within and Among Different Levels of Governments: Evidence from Turkey In Nai and Walter (eds.) New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning London: ECPR Press, 2015

4. Toros, E. Türkiye'de Demokrasinin Durumu. In Toros, E. (ed.) Türkiye'nin Son 10 Yılı: Değişim Dönüşüm Savrulma Ankara: Atılım University Press 2014

5. Toros, E., Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In Toros, E. (ed.) Political Leadership in Turkey Ankara: Atılım University Press, 2011.

6. Toros, E., Mapping a Multifaceted Relationship: Political Parties and Civil Society Organizations in Turkey. In: Jaworsky, J. A. (ed.) Advances in Sociology Research New York: Nova Publishers, 2011